0index ? This file, courtesy of the Falcon archivists... Falcon/Applications songz105.zip 48 Multimedia Database for Tapes, CD's etc. Allows you to digitize entries on Falcon. VOYAGER3.ZIP 241 Demo of Voyageur 3. Chart Planets, moons etc. vyger31a.zip 399 Update to Voyageur. Falcon/Demos: 1600x600.zip 17 Display 15 (!) NeoChrome pics at one time. birdshow.zip 651 True color ray-traced animation birdy.zip 685 Hard-wired True-color FLI player/flic. bound4.zip 236 Bound 4 demo cebit93.lzh 753 Demo, written for March '93 Cebit computer show chromedr.zip 295 "Chrome Dragron" demo conflict.zip 328 RGB demo for the Falcon030 by Dead hackers Society dc-bio.lzh 327 "Built in Obsolescence" by Digital Chaos (RGB only) ff_demo.zip 762 "Falcon Flight" fractals with sound flight.zip 32 3 programs, realtime flight over Mandelbrot set frac_dsp.lzh 30 Generates fractals, uses dsp for speed humans.zip 503 Hilarious graphics/sound demo. Take HUMANS2.ZIP too. humans2.zip 794 "Disk 2" of HUMANS demo. humans3.zip 746 "Disk 3" of HUMANS demo. humans4.zip 542 "Disk 4" of HUMANS demo. in_tel.zip 5 "Motorola Inside" demo lazer_1.lzh 111 "Autowaschen Verboten" by Lazer/Independent lazer_2.lzh 124 "Autowaschen Verboten" - Part 2 lb.lzh 502 THE LAMERBRAIN DENTRO (RGB) ldonut.zip 542 2 Falcon demos mouse.lzh 603 Hilarious graphic/sound demo newtrend_680xx.lzh 557 Another Falcon-only demo omegaf30.prg 554 Omega "Grotesque" demo, set video to ST Low paragon2.lzh 99 Graphics demo that plays samples w/ no slow down pentagon.lzh 684 Graphics demo qad3dvga.tos 12 Demo of quadratic math graphed for VGA, I think. speeder.zip 164 Grahpics demo - 'texturierte Ebene fliegt' stupid.zip 972 STUPID-O-DEMO by TJL termfin.prg 162 Texture-mapping while playing 50 Khz MOD-file. New termfin.zoo 148 50khz zooming colour modfile.? uk_demos.zip 528 Falcon demos by Black Scorpion Software uk_demos.zip.readme virtcity.zip 244 Virtual City 3D demo Falcon/Diskutils: cdrom.zip 10 Atari's CDROM driver for Falcon outsided.zip Outside 3.3 VMM demo Falcon/Emulators: specfalc.lzh 45 A Spectrum emulator for Falcon (?) Falcon/Games: blackhole.zip 871 Two coins and some bombs... Go figure. boompre2.zip 1258 'Boom' preview breakout.zip 580 Guess what this is... bub_demo.lzh 32 Playable first level of Bubble Bobble. Early small demo. colums_d.zip 281 'Columns Deluxe' colums_d2.zip 752 Columns Deluxe 2 conqu07b.zip 118 Aloise Felber World Conquest. Runs in any 16 color res. dynabusters_joypads.lzh 343 Dynabusters. (Patched version) DMA sound and Jag pad. game_fal.zip 186 - Tron : quick game for speeded guys ... - Masters of Chaos (TV/VGA) : Dungeon Master : 4 player by midi lasehome.zip 500 Demo of "Of Lasers and Men" shareware game madtris.tos 144 4way tetris type game RGB only mine1_02.tos 102 Puzzle game, go through a mine collecting objects(french) minif1-e.zip 277 Race car game minif1-f.zip 481 Race car game, French version minif1-flight.zip 654 Demo "flight" over MiniF1 racetrack MoonSpeeder_demo.zip 1257 Playable Demo of MoonSpeeder multi.zip 803 'MultiBriques' Playable Demo nh311gemc.zoo 806 Graphical nethack, best on TT or Falcon nibe.zip Wormtype game original.zip 667 'Original' sound set for AstroPanic94! oxydfalc.zoo 580 Oxyd for Falcon & TT p94_revd.zip 364 Astropanic 94! rev d Program & graphics only. Get ORIGINAL.ZIP for sounds. pmj_eng2.zip 'Premium Mahjong' handles VGA Falcon resolutions pong2k_3.lzh 794 Pong 2000 - Pong meets Tempest 2000 preview_game_falcon.zip 54 TGA of game screen for upcoming game sbm.zip 87 Demo version of Super Bomberman for the Falcon shangai.zip 211 "Let's Play Shangai !". by Oxo (7 min playable Demo) spacejnk.zip 4202 A 'movie' of some kind. Falcon only. starball.zip 345 Pinball game, Falcon enhanced switch.lzh 1187 Manipulate objects to get through maze (RGB) tautlogy.lzh 72 Tautology. Similar to Take Two. Uses Jag contoller. tetrhunr.zip 37 Tetris Hex - hextris clone ? triyahoo.zip 47 Yahtzee-esque shareware. Makes use of Falcon and MTOS ufo_war.zip 540 2 player game, Overscan RGB zodiax.lzh 639 R-type shoot em up. Falcon/Graphics: 3dxviewr.zip 124 Animates .3dx files 3dxfiles.zip 172 3dx files... avi_play.lzh 70 Dieter Fiebelkorn's .AVI player d2m_demo.zip 263 Image manipulation, including morphing delmpaint.lzh 91 Delmpain (loads PI1,PI9,.DEL can also save) VGA/RGB flcn_pnt.lzh 26 Some pics of the Falcon desktop, in .pnt format fli_tc32.lzh 16 FLI viewer fli_tc35.lzh 56 FLI viewer (Eng/Deutsch) and benchmark program. flictc40.lzh 57 FLI viewer v.4. flictc41.lzh 62 FLI viewer v4.1 fpaint.zip 40 Falcon paint program gemtarga.lzh 21 Views TARGA pics in a GEM window gif_view_falcon.ttp 3 Does what it says, I assume. godpaint.zip 183 Truecolor art package (w/power mouse) ham8.zip 26 Display H.A.M/H.A.M.8. files indy_pnt.lzh 52 Demo of a Falcon Paint package jpeg.zip 240 Uses DSP to view JPEGs jpeg2_20.zip 32 V11 Jpeg viewer v. 2.20 (030 only version) jpegv218a.zip 27 JPEG viewer mpegdsp.lzh 54 DSP Mpeg player in color, works with Screen blaster. photo_cd.zip 96 Displays Photo CD graphics, complete with driver plaympeg.zip 5 Fast Falcon MPEG decoder uses DSP PLAYMPEG060.ZIP 7 Update to plaympeg.zip plaympeg068.zip 27 Griffs Mpeg player version .68 + MPG info program plaympeg070.zip 29 Griffs Mpeg player version .7 + MPG info program rainb1_2.zip 360 Rainbow v1.2 - Falcon Trucolor art package remb_305.zip 136 Rembrandt 3.05 Falcon Art package tgif13.zip 4 Gif viewer by Sascha Springer (Fast) viewer0.prg 126 JPEG viewer, uses DSP to decode Falcon/Info: f30.zoo 11 Discussion of the Falcon's capabilities. falcadap.zip 7 Plans to make Multi-Sync adapter/switcher falcconf.lzh 12 GEnie conference on the Falcon030 falcnbug.zip 91 Two .IMG pics show Falcon hardware enhancement Falcon/Magazines fog6.zip 1447 Falcon Owners Group Digital Magazine 6. (UUencoded) update_7.zip 1346 Falcon Owners Group update 7. Falcon/Misc: d1034_10.lzh 668 Update Diamond Edge for more Falcon compatibility dcjh_1.zip 20 Don't Click on Jim's head, funny GEM programming example dcjh_2.zip 48 Next generation of Don't Click Jim's head s2l_fc30.zip 18 Sound 2 Light v1.0 Converts sounds through microphone into light patterns. Falcon/Programming: 3danim.zip 32 3D routs using the Dsp 3dxwatch.zip 106 2nd version of 3danim for falcon asa_030.lzh 4 Avena's utility for programmers to get new screen sizes asm56.zoo 142 Cross-assembler for the Falcon's DSP chip a56v12st.lzh 175 Assembler for the 56k dsp_kurs.zip 200 C/ASM DSP programming examples and utilities dspbind.lzh 2 Bindings for the Falcon's DSP. dcjh_src.zip 14 Source code for DCJH above. falclib2.lzh 43 DevPac Falcon library falclib4.lzh 44 Version 4 of DevPac Falcon library falclib5.lzh 92 Version 5 of DevPac Falcon library nomemtst.lzh 1 Source and Exec. Adjust hard drive wait & memtest @ boot nt_dsp1.lzh 274 New Trend's DSP sources Volume 1 nt_dsp2.lzh 196 New Trend's DSP sources Volume 2 rez_rgb.asc 5 Document further detailing Hisoft Basic res enquiries Falcon/Sound: stesnd2.zip 2 .ACC improves compatibility w/ STe sound system Falcon/Sound/D2D: wd2d_pro.zip 48 Direct 2 Disk pro wr_v1371.zip 157 WinRec direct-to-disk recording Falcon/Sound/Editors: ssam101b.zip 54 "Superb Sample Editor" v1.01b ssam108b.zip 71 "Superb Sample Editor" v1.08b Falcon/Sound/Fortunes: aladdin_sound_fortune.zip 927 div_sound_fortunes.lzh 1427 div2_sound_fortunes.zip 1171 div3_sound_fortunes.zip 742 ds9_sound_fortunes.zip 1127 h_hiker_sound_fortunes.zip 1260 jungle_b_sound_fortunes.zip 511 mwc_sound_fortunes.zip 1004 sf1_sound_fortunes.lzh 1172 sf2_sound_fortunes.lzh 1021 startrek_sound_fortunes.lzh 433 st2_sound_fortunes.zip 1154 users1_sound_fortunes.zip 408 users2_sound_fortunes.zip 570 Falcon/Sound/Players: acp12.lzh 104 MOD player. Uses the DSP. digi202.zip 514 DIGITAL TRACKER 2.02 & DIGIPLAY 2.02 demos dsp_mod.zip 11 Plays .MODs in DSP. dsp_play.lzh 10 .ACC that plays .MODS via DSP dt_demo203.zip 684 Plays Tracker .MODs falcpl15.lzh 6 Plays 4/6/8/10 channel Protracker MODS falcplay.lzh 14 Falcon version 1.0p of Pro-Tracker V2.1a .MOD player fortune_1_1a.zip 110 Audio 'fortune' program megtpl96.zip 29 MegaTracker Player .Acc/.App mudu_06.zip 16 German music/sound player(?) protracker_falcon.zip 73 Falcon-specific Protracker Falcon/Sound/Tracker: dspsndtr.zip 228 32-track sound tracker (uses DSP) dsptrack.zip 135 Source code routines for using DSP to play MOD files mgtk-095.zip 128 Another sound tracker that uses the DSP megtkr96.zip 108 MegaTracker v. 0.96 Falcon/Telecomm: fmterm1h.lzh 43 GEM Falcon only Term program voxmail.zip 165 Turns Falcon into answering machine Falcon/Utilities: bckw252.tos 45 "ST Emulator" improves downward compatibility bckw271.tos 87 Backwards 2.71 now handles Falcon blowUP_D.lzh 51 Demo version of blowUP - heed all warnings!!! bootco12.zip 3 Boot Configure 1.2 (configures NVRAM) bootconf.zip 3 Configures NVRAM bootn212.zip 12 Boot program. bwings.zip 102 Virtual Screen driver. falcnsx2.zip 28 Util sets hardware: CPU cache, Volume, Bus, etc. falconf.zip 13 .ACC/.PRG configures NVRAM? falcvolu.lzh 1 Sets Falcon volume to 1/2 from AUTO fboot.lzh 2 Lets you choose some options at boot time on a falcon fpatch2.zip 1 Fixes 2 TOS 4.0/4.04 problems with sound, Bconmap() full_rez.zip 33 Full resolution display on non-overscan TVs icons04.zip 48 TOS 4.xx Color Icon Editor magi.lzh 8 Helps prgs and demos run on Falcons. Untested. matrix.zip 12 GEM utility to view & edit status of Sound system matrix mltiblow.zip 6 Assists in setting overscan mode nvram11.zip 7 German CPX to configure the NVRAM of a TT or Falcon. overcadr.zip 19 .ACC to adjust screen center in Overscan mode overscan.lzh 2 Two programs, turn overscan mode or or off reset_falcon.prg 5 Pressing RESET goes to desktop instead of reboot rez_fool.lzh 26 Fool VGA monitor into thinking its a TV sblaster.zip 36 Screenblaster demo version snd_thru.zip 2 Sound Thru: Runs sound from mic in to headphone out super_78.zoo 1 Sets screen to 78Hz scan rate vcb27.zip 23 VeriConf - ST(E) emulator- memory resident (French) ----- End of Falcon archive -----